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How is galvanized steel wire rope formed?

Galvanized steel wire rope is divided into cold galvanized steel wire rope and hot galvanized steel wire rope two categories. The essential difference between hot galvanizing and cold galvanizing is the physical thermal diffusion of hot galvanizing in order to form an active coating, an iron-zinc compound is first formed, and then a pure zinc layer is formed on the surface of the iron-zinc compound. Galvanized steel wire rope electrogalvanizing is through an external power supply, through the electrodeposition can obtain an improved coating, the resulting coating is composed of fine pure zinc particles. What is the technical difference between hot-selling zinc steel wire rope and cold galvanized steel wire rope?

Cold galvanizing is galvanizing at room temperature by electroplating or other methods. In theory, any early zinc coating can be obtained by galvanizing. Now the zinc content of the galvanized layer can reach 1200g//u002Fm2, and the general zinc content of the galvanized layer can reach 750g//u002Fm2. Hot dip galvanizing depends on the effect of physical thermal diffusion coefficient to form different coatings, first we form iron-zinc compound, and then the surface reaction of iron-zinc compound to produce pure zinc layer. The maximum volume of zinc on hot-dip galvanizing is 593a/m2. Hot-dip galvanizing will reduce the mechanical properties of steel wire, and put forward higher requirements for high-strength and corrosion-resistant galvanized steel wire rope, galvanized steel is commonly used for twisting wire. Hot dip galvanizing is galvanizing in molten zinc at 450-480 degrees.