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What causes the rope to stretch?

When the wire rope is subjected to tensile load, there will be different stages of stretching, so the wire rope will often remind the user to pre-stretch the wire rope. In turn, many customers will ask why the wire rope elongation?

There are many influencing factors that can lead to the elongation of the wire rope in use, and the elongation caused by some enterprise factor analysis is very small, usually we can ignore it. It is usually the main problem causing the elongation of the wire rope for the following reasons, of which the first two are the most important factors.

(a) Elongation resulting from adjusting the position of each strand of wire and wire rope in each strand - often referred to as structural elongation.

(b) Elastic elongation due to load tension.

(c) Elongation or shortening due to changes in temperature.

(d) Elongation resulting from an increase in lay length due to the use of a wire rope which can be rotated freely through one end.